Original-Research: Swissnet AG - von NuWays AG
20.02.2025 / 09:00 CET/CEST
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Einstufung von NuWays AG zu Swissnet AG
Unternehmen: Swissnet AG
ISIN: CH0451123589
Anlass der Studie: Update
Empfehlung: BUY
seit: 20.02.2025
Kursziel: EUR 20.00
Kursziel auf Sicht von: 12 months
Letzte Ratingänderung:
Analyst: Philipp Sennewald
Management provides detailed outlook on FY25e
Topic: Swissnet recently provided investors with a detailed overview on the
targeted FY25e revenue split
as well as the development of recurring revenues. Moreover, management
outlined the post-merger integration
plan of Swissnet Group. In detail:
FY25e segment breakdown. In accordance with the company's guidance of CHF
26-28m sales (eNuW:
CHF 26.5m; eCons: CHF 27.6m), management recently released a segment
breakdown, targeting CHF
9.0m sales in the Infrastructure, CHF 14.9m in the SaaS and CHF 3.6m in the
MENA segment. On a proforma
basis, this would imply 44% organic growth, which should be predominantly
driven by the ramp
up of Swissnet's unique AI SaaS hospitality solution Lokalee in the MENA
region as well as ongoing key
customer gains in the SaaS and Infrastructure segment. FY25e EBITDA is seen
to come in at CHF 2.0m
in Infrastructure, CHF 4.2m in SaaS and CHF 0.6m in MENA, implying an
overall EBITDA of CHF 6.8m
(eNuW: CHF 6.1m; eCons: CHF 6.2m) and a margin of 24.7%. This should be
driven by the high scalability
of the SaaS driven business model as well as continuous efficiency gains and
effects following the merger.
Recurring revenues. Swissnet's business model is characterized by a high
share of recurring revenues
of 77%. While 100% of the SaaS revenues are recurring, also 50% of MENA and
sales are recurring, thanks to a strong maintenance business in
Infrastructure and the AI SaaS hospitality
suite of Lokale. In our view, the high share of recurring revenues paired
with a churn rate of <5% p.a.,
allows for strong visibility on sales and cash flows going forward as well
as high scalability given very
low incremental costs in the SaaS business.
Post-merger integration. Management aims for full integration until Dec'25e
following the acquisitions
of Lokalee and Swissnet, which should unlock further efficiency gains in
FY26e. Overall management expects
cost-synergies to the tune of CHF 1.2m. In addition to this, we expect
significant cross-selling
opportunities to arise from the merger.
Overall, this is currently not adequately reflected in the share price, in
our view, given a valuation of 10.5x
EV/EBTIDA FY25e (5.4x FY26e).
We hence reiterate BUY with an unchanged EUR 20.00 PT based on DCF.
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downloaden: https://www.nuways-ag.com/research-feed
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NuWays AG - Equity Research
Web: www.nuways-ag.com
Email: research@nuways-ag.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nuwaysag
Adresse: Mittelweg 16-17, 20148 Hamburg, Germany
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